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Plug Valves
DeZURIK Eccentric Plug Valves (PEC & PEF)
DeZURIK 3-Way Plug Valves (PTW)
DeZURIK 4-Way Plug Valves (PFW)
DeZURIK Pump Check Valves
DeZURIK Balancing Valves for HVAC
DeZURIK Soft Rubber Lined Eccentric Plug Valve (PEC-CIS)
Butterfly Valves
DeZURIK AWWA Butterfly Valves (BAW)
DeZURIK High Performance Butterfly Valves (BHP)
DeZURIK BOS-US Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves
DeZURIK On-Center Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves (BOS-CL)
DeZURIK Tail Gas High Performance Butterfly Valve (BTG)
Control Valves
DeZURIK V-Port Ball Control Valves (VPB)
DeZURIK Rotary Control Valves (RCV)
DeZURIK Precision Electric Basis Weight Control Valves (PPE)
DeZURIK High Performance Butterfly Valves (BHP)
Knife Gate Valves
Knife Gate Valves
DeZURIK Cast Stainless Steel Knife Gate Valves (KGC)
DeZURIK Extended Service Cast Stainless Steel Knife Gate Valves (KGC-ES)
DeZURIK Bi-Directional Cast Stainless Steel Knife Gate Valves (KGC-BD)
DeZURIK Maximum Duty Cast Stainless Steel Knife Gate Valves (KGC-MD)
DeZURIK Metal Cutting Cast Stainless Steel Knife Gate Valve (KGC-MC)
DeZURIK AIS Compliant Bi-Directional Knife Gate Valves (KGC-BD-AIS)
DeZURIK Cast Stainless Steel Knife Gate Valve (KGN-RSB & KGN-MSU)
DeZURIK Urethane Lined Knife Gate Valves (KUL)
DeZURIK Slurry Knife Gate Valves (KSL)
DeZURIK Slurry Knife Gate Valves (KSL-LA) Long Body Design
DeZURIK Slurry Knife Gate Valves (KSL-SD) Short Body Design
DeZURIK Severe Service Knife Gate Valves (KSV)
Hilton Bonneted Knife Gate Valve (H-200-B)
Hilton Bonnetless Knife Gate Valves (H-200)
Hilton Bonneted Throttling Knife Gate Valves (H-300-B)
AIS-Compliant Iron Knife Gate Valves (KGI)
Hydro Knife Gate Valves
Hilton Hydro Guard Gate Valves (H-300-B)
Hilton Jet Flow Gates (H-2500)
Hilton Bonneted Throttling Knife Gate Valves (H-340-B)
O-Port Gate Valves
DeZURIK O-Port Gate Valves (KGO)
Hilton Thru-Port Gate Valves (H-1500)
DeZURIK Ported Gate Valves (PGV)
Special Service Gate Valves
Hilton Material Handling Knife Gate Valves (H-290)
DeZURIK Double Block & Bleed Knife Gate Valves (KSV-DBB)
DeZURIK Mixing & Diverting Knife Gate Valves (KGY)
Hilton Diverter Knife Gate Valves (H-2200)
DeZURIK Coal Burner Isolation Knife Gate Valve (KCI)
DeZURIK Level Sensor Isolation Valves (KLS)
Special Construction Gate Valves
Hilton Square or Rectangular Port Knife Gate Valves (H-200-R)
Hilton Wedge Gate Valves (H-110)
Hilton Bonneted Slide Gate Valves (H-500-B)
DeZURIK Split Gate Valves (KSG)
DeZURIK Square or Rectangular Knife Gate Valves (KSR)
Check Valves
APCO SmartCHECK Pump Control Valve (CPC)
APCO Swing Check Valves (CVS)
APCO Double Door Check Valves (CDD)
APCO Rubber Flapper Swing Check Valves (CRF)
APCO Silent Check Valves (CSC)
APCO Slanting Disc Check Valves (CSD)
APCO Full Flow Foot Valves (FFF)
APCO Full Flow Rubber Flapper Foot Valves (FRF)
Hilton Angle Disk Check Valve (H-900)
Hilton Wafer Swing Check Valve (H-920)
Hilton Tilting Disc Check Valve (H-940)
Hilton Swing Check Valve (H-950)
Air Valves
APCO High Performance Combination Air Valve (ASU)
APCO Clean Water Air Release Valves (ARV)
APCO Air/Vacuum Valves & Combination Air Valves (AVV)
APCO Single Body Combination Air Valves (AVC)
APCO Sewage Air Release Valves (ASR)
APCO Sewage Air/Vacuum Valves & Dual Body Combination Air Valves (ASV)
APCO Single Body Sewage Combination Air Valves (ASC)
APCO Vacuum Relief/Air Inlet Valves (AVR)
APCO Surge Check Valves (CSV)
APCO Double-Acting Throttling Device (DAT)
Surge Relief Angle Valves
APCO Surge Relief Angle Valves (SRA)
Fixed Cone Valves
Hilton Fixed Cone Valves
Ball & Cone Valves
Willamette AWWA Metal Seated Ball Valve (VBL)
Willamette Metal Seated Cone Valve (VMC)
DeZURIK Rotary Diaphragm Actuators
DeZURIK PowerRac Cylinder Actuator
DeZURIK Knife Gate Valve Actuators
DeZURIK G-Series Cylinder Actuators
DeZURIK MG Manual Gear Actuators
DeZURIK G-Series Manual Actuators
DeZURIK LA-Series Actuators
DeZURIK Compak Cylinder Actuators
Hilton Actuators
Valve Accessories
DeZURIK P30A Intelligent Digital Valve Positioner
DeZURIK P85 (Siemens) SIPART PS2 Digital Positioner
DeZURIK P62 (Fisher FIELDVUE) DVC6200 Digital Valve Controller
DeZURIK P200 Series Analog Positioners
DeZURIK P36C/P41C/P41D Analog Positioners
DeZURIK Air Filter Regulator
DeZURIK Pump & Control Valve Interface (ECB)
DeZURIK 3V and 4V Solenoid Valves
DeZURIK 4VG63 4-Way Solenoid Valves
DeZURIK Switches and Position Transmitters
DeZURIK Speed Controls
DeZURIK Deflection Cones for Knife Gate Valves
Hydraulic Power Units
DeZURIK Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) Systems
DeZURIK Low Pressure Hydraulic Accumulator Systems
Other Products & Specialty Valves
Hilton High Pressure / Temperature Knife Gate Valves
Hilton Specialty Products
Hilton Custom Fabricated Gate Valves
Red Valve
RKL Controls
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Water Distribution
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