DeZURIK AIS Compliant Bi-Directional Knife Gate Valves (KGC-BD-AIS)
Design Features:
DeZURIK, your trusted source for quality valves, is committed to delivering products that comply with all AIS provisions. DeZURIK, APCO, Hilton, and Willamette valves can be specified to meet provisions of H.R. 3547, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, for projects involving Clean Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF) or Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF). This requirement applies to projects for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public water system or treatment works. DeZURIK has close relationships with a network of US-based vendors throughout our supply chain that provide AIS compliant castings and components. DeZURIK’s AIS Compliant KGC-BD Bi-Directional Knife Gate Valve is just one of the many valve products available to meet AIS provisions.
The KGC-BD valve features a unique, patented perimeter seat design that provides bubble-tight shutoff in either direction, even on dead end service. The valve is designed for isolation – on/off applications of clean, dirty, viscous and corrosive liquids; sludge; slurries; clean and corrosive gases. The KGC Bi-Directional valve features a rounded cast packing chamber, rounded gate edge and premium packing system. All of these features combine to provide improved sealing, extended packing life and reduced maintenance.
AIS Compliant Bi-Directional Knife Gate Valves (KGC-BD-AIS) Specifications
3-24" (80-600mm)
150 psig CWP (1030 kPa)
Bubble-tight shutoff in both directions up to the full rating of the valve
Manual handwheel and chainwheel actuators are available as standard. Contact DeZURIK for other actuator types.
When downloading CAD files for AIS-Compliant Valves, select the BD body style and a manual actuator type.
CAD Files
Bulletins (English)
- KGC-BD AIS-Compliant Knife Gate Valve 35.00-1H
- Valves for Compliance with The American Iron and Steel (AIS) Act 10.00-18